用户登录说明 (English)
Fig.1. 通过第三方-科技云登录
Fig.2. 使用原来的用户名和密码登录科技云
Fig.3. 登录之后尽快确认邮箱地址
Fig.4. 设置/重置系统密码
Guide of User login((中文)
* The new version of NADC Passport may be not compatible with old IE browser, please use Chrome、Firefox、or Microsoft Edge browser。Before NADC Passport, we has not our own independent unified identity authentication system, so we always used CSTCloud Passport for user authentication since China-VO platform initially established at 2014. Therefore, the existing users of China-VO can still use CSTCloud Passport to log into NADC. Meanwhile,in order to use all the features of the new NADC Passport freely, we highly recommend you to follow the below tips when you firstly log into NADC Passport (https://oauth.china-vo.org) from CSTCloud.
Fig.1. Login NADC from CSTCloud
Fig.2. Sigin in CSTCloud using you original username and password
Fig.3. Confirm email of NADC Passport when you firstly login NADC Passport
Fig.4. Reset new/independent password of NADC Passport